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Dr. Xiao Sihan was Invited to Conduct Academic Exchanges at the University of Georgia


Dr. Xiao Sihan, a young scholar of ICI, was invited to give a report entitled Resolving Disagreements in Evaluating Claims in Science Classrooms at the Salon of the University of Georgia's Department of Educational Theory and Practice On April 25. The report used the micro-interactive ethnographic method based on video, combined with Latour's actor-network theory, to analyze the "persuade" and "persuaded" micro-process and multi-modal interaction mechanism of scientific argumentation, which provided a new evidence and perspective for effective teaching. Professor of Elizabeth Garrard Hall, University of Georgia Joseph Tobin, Professor of UGA Athletic Association Cory Buxton, Professor of Curriculum and Teaching Kyunghwa Lee attended the salon. They explored the data presented in the report, shared their experience in classroom studies, and conducted an hour of in-depth communication with Dr. Xiao Sihan.

The University of Georgia is the first public university in the United States (established in 1785), and its educational disciplines have profound research traditions. Its curriculum and teaching theory, teacher education, higher education, vocational and technical education and other fields are ranked the top ten. Dr. Xiao Sihan's academic exchange focused on classroom research, video analysis, interactive analysis of methodological issues, and explored opportunities for cooperation with the United States in the future.