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杨向东  华东师范大学教育学部教育心理学系主任、教授、博士生导师,国家教材委专业委员会委员,义务教育课标修订指导组专家,中国教育学会学术委员会委员,上海市教育考试命题与评价指导委员会委员,义务教育课标修订指导组专家,普通高中课程标准修订综合组专家成员,普通高中课程标准核心素养测评组副组长。其主要研究方向为心理与教育测量、核心素养的教学与评价等。








Inferring Diagnostic Information from Cognitively Designed ItemsGulliksen Psychometric Fellow project, Educational Testing Service, USA.



杨向东2014. 《理论驱动的心理与教育测量学》. 华东师范大学出版社, 上海,中国.

杨向东,黄小瑞(2013.《教育改革时代的学业测量与评价》华东师范大学出版社, 上海,中国.

杨向东,崔允漷(2012.《促进学生学习和发展的课堂评价》华东师范大学出版社, 上海,中国.

Yang, X., & Embretson, S. E. (2007). Construct validity and cognitive diagnostic assessment. In J. Leighton., & M. Gierl. (Eds.), Cognitive Diagnostic Assessment in Education: Theory and Applications. (pp. 119 – 145). New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.

Embretson, S. E., & Yang, X. (2007). Automatic item generation and cognitive psychology. In S.  Sinharay, & R. Rao. (Eds.). Handbook of Statistics: psychometrics. (pp. 747-768).  Amsterdam, The  Netherland:  Elservier,  B.V.

Embretson, S. E., & Yang, X. (2006). Multicomponent latent trait models for complex cognitive tasks. In E. Smith & R. Smith (Eds.), Rasch measurement: Advanced and specialized applications. Maple Grove,  MN: JAM Press.   

Embretson, S. E., & Yang, X. (2006). Item response theory. In J, Green, G. Camilli, & P, Elmore (Eds.). Complementary research methods for education, 3rd edition, (pp.385-410). Washington DC: American Educational Research Association. 


Liu, N., Chen, Y. T., Yang, X., & Hu, Y. (2017).  Do demographic characteristics make differences? Demographic characteristics as moderators in the associations between only child status and cognitive/non-cognitive outcomes in China.  Frontiers in Psychology, 8:423.

Wang, Y. J., Deng, C.P., Yang, X.(2016).  Family economic status and parental involvement: Influences of parental expectation and perceived barriers. School Psychology International, 37(5), 536 – 554.  

Ning bo, Jan Van Damme, Van Den Noortgat, Yang, X (2015). The influence of classroom disciplinary climate of schools on reading achievement: A cross-country comparative study. School effectiveness and school improvement: An international Journal of Research, policy and practice. (online first).

杨向东 (2015). 从课改理念到实践性知识的转化, 《人民教育》. 20

杨向东 (2015). “真实性评价之辨, 《全球教育展望》. 44卷第5

杨向东 (2014). 代数应用题项目生成的结构分析方法, 《心理科学进展》,22, 3, 1 – 13

Yang, X., Zheng, K., Zhan, Y. Ren, Y (2013). The effect of choosing key versus ordinary schools on student’s mathematical achievement in China. The Asian-Pacific Educational Researcher. 23(3),  523 – 536.

杨向东. (2013). 建构主义观下的课堂评价任务设计:两个为什么的问题. 《基础教育课程》,第117期,4852.

朱虹、杨向东 (2013). 大学生的创造性行为类型. 《当代教育科学》,第13期,42 - 46.

杨向东. (2013).  教育指标系统构建的理论问题. 《清华大学教育评论》,第3期,16 – 28.

许瑜函、朱虹、杨向东 (2013). 认知访谈在教育研究和实践中的应用.《教育发展研究》,第8期,42 – 49.

任友群、詹艺、杨向东. (2013). 教育调查研究中的量化思维逻辑——“学习与课程之关系研究”实证调查研究的启示. 《电化教育研究》. 4期, 5 -11.

杨向东、豆雨松. (2013). 两位不同专长的数学教师课堂提问结构的对比研究. 《上海教育科研》,第3期,37-39.

Embretson, S. E., & Yang, X. (2013). Multicomponent latent trait model for cognitive diagnosis. Psychometrika. 78(1), 14 -36.

杨向东. (2013). 代数应用题项目生成中的认知过程和任务特征分析. 《心理科学进展》. 21卷第1期,175 – 189

任友群、杨向东、王美、赵健、庞维国、林立甲. (2012). 我国五城市初中学生学业成就及其影响因素的研究. 《教育研究》. 11期,36 – 43

杨向东.2012. 基础教育学业质量标准的研制《全球教育展望》. 41卷第5期,32 41.

杨向东.2012. 突出公民素养或学科能力模型在学业质量标准中的核心地位《基础教育课程》. 103期,53 57.

杨向东.2011. 数学应用题中语言成分模型的构建——多元随机效应项目反映理论模型的运用《心理学报》. 43卷第4期,462 472.

杨向东.2011. 教育中的“科学探究”:理论问题和实践策略《全球教育展望》. 40卷第5期,18 26.

杨向东. (2011). 综合素质评价:中国特色的创新. 《基础教育课程》,第87期,26–30.

杨向东.2010. 计算机适应性测验条件下认知设计项目的预测参数对能力参数估计的影响研究《心理学报》. 42卷第7期,802812.

杨向东.2010. 测验项目反应机制与心理测量模型的对应性分析《心理科学进展》. 18卷第8期,1349–1358.

杨向东. (2010). 促进学习的课堂评价设计与使用. 《基础教育课程》,第6期,6264.

杨向东、崔允漷.2010. 关于高中学业水平考试的比较研究《全球教育展望》,第39卷第4期,7-14.

杨向东、张晓蕾.2010. 课程标准的开发与基于标准的学业水平考试的设计: 美国的经验与启示《考试研究》,第6卷第1期,109-125.

杨向东.2009. 谈课堂评价的地位与重建《全球教育展望》,第38卷第9期,42-46.

杨向东.2008. 浅析评价人员关于“学生才能的理念”对教育评价实践的影响《全球教育展望》,第37卷第12期,25-29.

杨向东.2007. 教育测量在教育评价中的角色《全球教育展望》,第36卷第11期,15-25.

杨向东.2007. 教育评价中的因果关系及其推断《全球教育展望》,第36卷第9期,13-21.

杨向东.2007. 关于高考制度改革的原则与方案的探讨《全球教育展望》,第36卷第6期,8-16.

Yang, X. (2007). Methods of identifying individual guessers from item response data. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 67, 745 – 764.

Hoffman, L., Yang, X., Bovaird, J., & Embretson, S.E. (2006). Measuring attentional shifting ability in older adults: development and psychometric evaluation of DriverScan. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 66,984-1000.. 

Yang, X., Poggio, J., & Glasnapp, D. (2006). Effects of estimation bias on classifying examinees into multiple categories with an IRT-based adaptive classification procedure. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 66, 545-564. 

Embretson, S. E., & Yang, X. (2006). Multicomponent latent trait models for complex tasks. Journal of Applied Measurement, 7, 335-350. 

Yang, X.,  Shaftel, J., Glasnapp, D., & Poggio, J.  (2005). Quantitative or qualitative differences: latent class analysis of mathematical ability for special education students. Journal of Special Education, 4, 194 – 207.

Shaftel, J., Yang, X., Glasnapp, D., & Poggio, J. (2005). Improving assessment validity for students with disabilities in large-scale assessment programs. Educational Assessment,10, 197-215.    

Poggio, J., Glasnapp, D., Yang, X., Poggio, A. (2005). An experimental study of score results from computerized and paper and pencil mathematics testing in a state large scale assessment program. The Journal of Technology, Learning, and Assessment, 3(6). Available from: https://www.jtla.org.

Shorey, H. S., Snyder, C. R., Yang, X., & Lewin, M. (2003). The role of hope as a mediator in recollected parenting, adult attachment, and mental health. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 22, 685-715.


Yang, X. & Zhang, N. (2014).  Designing Cognitive Complexity in Math Problems: Does Problem Situation Make a Difference. Manuscript accepted by 2014 annual meeting of American Educational Research Association: Philadelphia, PE.

Yang, X. & Xu, Y., Ma, Y (2012). Evaluation of Alternative Models for an Explanatory Scale of Algebra Story Problem Solving. Manuscript presented at 2012 annual meeting of American Educational Research Association: Vancouver, CA.

Yang, X. & Ke, Z., Wang, T (2012). Effect of School Choice inChina. Manuscript presented at 2012 annual meeting of American Educational Research Association: Vancouver, CA.

Yang, X. & Hu, H. (2009). On understanding the paradox of item parameter invariance. Manuscript presented at 2009 annual meeting of National Council on Measurement in Education: San Diego, CA.

Hu, H., & Yang, X. (2009). Comparison of calibration strategies to improve item parameter estimates. Manuscript submitted to 2009 annual meeting of National Council on Measurement in Education: San Diego, CA.

Embretson, S. E., & Yang, X. (2009). Issues in applying multicomponent latent trait model for diagnosis to complex achievement data. Manuscript presented at 2009 annual meeting of National Council on Measurement in Education: San Diego, CA.

Embretson, S. E., & Yang, X. (2008). Multicomponent latent trait model for cognitive diagnosis. Paper presented at annual meeting of Psychometric Society, University of New Hampsire, NH.

Yang, X. (2008). Language complexity in mathematical test items: A random-weight LLTM approach. Paper presented at annual meeting of American Educational Research Association. New York: NY

Yang, X. (2008). A construct modeling approach to evaluating measurement invariance. Paper presented at annual meeting of National Council on Measurement in Education. New York: NY.

Hu, H., & Yang, X. (2008). Impact of low item discrimination parameters on parameter calibration. Paper presented at annual meeting of National Council on Measurement in Education. New York: NY

Yang, X., Poggio, A., Glasnapp, D., & Poggio, J. (2007). Impact of mathematics item characteristics on student performance during online testing.  Paper presented at annual meeting of National Council on Measurement in Education: Chicago,  IL.

Yang, X., Poggio, J., & Glasnapp, D. (2005). Effects of estimation bias on classifying examinees into multiple categories with an IRT-based adaptive classification procedure. Paper presented at annual meeting of National Council on Measurement in Education: Montreal,Canada.

Carvajal-Espinoza, J., Poggio, J., Yang, X. (2005). A differential item functioning study for two translated tests in a large scale assessment. Paper presented at annual meeting of National Council on Measurement in Education: Montreal,Canada.

Poggio, J., Glassnapp, D., Yang, X., Beauchamp, A., Dunham, M. (2005). Moving from Paper and Pencil to Online Testing: Findings from a State Large Scale Assessment Program. Paper presented at annual meeting of National Council on Measurement in Education: Montreal,Canada.

Embretson, S. E., & Yang, X. (2004). Item response theory. (Presidential Invited Session). Annual meeting of American Educational Research Association: San Diego,CA.

Hoffman, L., Embretson, S.E., & Yang, X. (2004). Development and initial evaluation of an item response theory-based measure of attentional orienting in older adults. Poster presentation at the 2004 Cognitive Aging Conference, Atlanta, GA.

Poggio, J., Glasnapp, D., Yang, X., Poggio, A. (2004). An experimental study of score results from computerized and paper and pencil mathematics testing in a state large scale assessment program. Paper presented at the annual meeting of National Council on Measurement in Education: San   Diego,CA.

Glasnapp, D., Poggio, J., Poggio, A., & Yang, X. (2004). Student attitudes and perceptions regarding computerized testing as a method for formal assessment. Paper presented at the annual meeting of National Council on Measurement in Education: San Diego,CA.

Yang, X., & Shaftel, J. (2003). Quantitative or qualitative differences: latent class analysis of mathematical ability for special education students. Paper presented at the annual meeting of American Educational Research Association: Chicago,  IL.

Embretson, S. E., Yang, X., & Brethour, J. (2002). Modeling item parameters from cognitive design features using non-linear mixed models. Paper presented at the annual meeting of American Educational Research Association: New   Orleans, LO.

Shaftel, J. & Yang, X. (2002). Special education participation in statewide accountability assessment: analysis of options using Item Response Theory. Paper presented at the annual meeting of American Educational Research Association: New Orleans, LO.

Yang, X., & Embretson, S. E. (2001).  Estimating ability through predicted vs. calibrated ART items: A study of computerized adaptive test using clustering approach. Paper presented at the annual meeting of Psychometric Society, King of Prussia, PE.

Yang, X., & Zhang, J. (2001). Deriving and evaluating a bias-reduced index for DETECT. Paper presented at the annual meeting of American Educational Research Association: Seattle, WA.


Yang, X. (2015). Toward an Explanatory Scale of  Cognitively Designed Algebra Story Problems. President-invited address,  the 80th International Meetings of Psychometric Society(IMPS), July 13, Beijing, China.

Yang, X. (2014). Task design for classroom instruction: where we are and how to improve it. A talk presented on the ECNU-UVIC symposium, June, 23, Victoria, Canada.

Yang, X. (2014). Basic education in Shanghai: Reform, Achievement and Challenges. A talk presented on the Gro n Foro por la Educación: Colombia, 2025, June, 20, Bogotá, Colombia.

杨向东. (2012). 理论驱动的代数应用题项目生成研究. 课程评价国际研讨会,112-4日,上海

杨向东. (2011). 课堂评价任务的设计与实施情况——一种理论驱动的分析模式. 课程评价国际研讨会,114-6日,上海。

杨向东. (2011). 国际视野下的中国学生学业评价. 联合国教科文组织华东师范大学教师教育教席联席学校网络第五届论坛, 1013-14日,上海。

杨向东. (2010). 谈综合素质评价的几个问题. 全国高中学校综合素质评价与学生发展论坛,1029 – 111日,西安。

杨向东. (2009). 大规模学业成就评价中的几个测量学问题. 课程评价国际研讨会,111-4日,上海。

Yang, X. (2006). Cognitive diagnostic testing: Theoretical frameworks and an empirical example. A talk given to the Department of Psychology, Fudan University, Shanghai,China.

Yang, X. (2006). Cognitive diagnostic testing: Theoretical frameworks and an empirical example. A talk given to the Department of Psychology, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou,China.

Yang, X. (2003). Hierachical linear and nonlinear models for early head start data. A talk given to the research group at Juniper Garden Children’s Project, University of Kansas, Kansas City, Kansas.

Yang, X. (2001). Methods of identifying differentially functioning items: A review. A talk given to the research group at Department of Psychology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas.


杨向东. (2015. 《高中学科学业质量标准的测试框架及命题指南的工作建议》, 教育部基础教育二司,10.

杨向东. (2015. 《学科学业质量标准研制的工作方案》, 教育部基础教育二司,10.

杨向东. (2011. 《基础教育学业质量标准研制的国家比较报告》, 教育部基础教育二司,12.

崔允漷,杨向东等(2009.《我国普通高中学业水平考试研究:国际经验与建议 》,教育部基础教育二司,12月。

崔允漷,杨向东等(2010)《义务教育课程标准“评价建议”部分的修改建议》,教育部基础教育二司, 7月。


许瑜函、杨向东2012. 促进学生学习和发展的课堂评价. 《全球教育展望》,第41卷第1期,93-96.

杨向东、王中男.2010. 呼唤课程测量与评价的专业化《全球教育展望》,第39卷第1期,88-91.


迈克·诺伊布兰德[德], 马永鑫【译】,杨向东【校】,(2012). 学生所知道的,教师所知道的——理论、工具和结果. 《全球教育展望》,第41卷第2期,3-11.



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?  教育统计入门研究生课程课程与教学系

?  心理与教育测量研究生课程课程与教学系

?  项目反应理论研究生课程心理与认知学院系

?  基础教育统计方法及其在SPSS中的应用研究生课程华东师范大学人文社科方法类课程

?  教育量化研究方法,教育学部研究生通识课

Indiana University

?  Categorical Data Analysis, Ph.D level, Inquiry methodology program and Department of Statistics, joint listing

?  Advanced Psychometrics: Item Response Theory, Ph.D level

?  Educational Assessment and Psychological Measurement, Ph.D level

University of Kansas

?  Categorical Data Analysis, Ph.D level, Department of Psychology and Research in Education

?  Regression Analysis, Ph.D level, Department of Psychology

?  Analysis of Variance, Ph.D level, Department of Psychology