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预告 ∣ 华夏课程论坛第127期:John L. Smithson教授谈课程实施监测与美国教育面临的挑战

127期华夏课程论坛来了,此次论坛特邀美国威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校教育研究中心主任John L. Smithson教授。John L. Smithson教授负责并监测课程设计调查项目(SEC, Surveys of Enacted Curriculum),曾多次参与有关政策和程序对于教学实践与教学内容范围影响的研究,同时他是美国国家科学基金会资助项目的负责人之一,致力于研究课堂评价管理工具和专业发展课程。让我们共同期待他的到来!

主讲人:John L. Smithson教授,美国威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校教育研究中心主任






题目:Describing assessment content using the SEC methodology and its value for educators.  

内容简介:Dr. Smithson, director of the Surveys of Enacted Curriculum program at the University of Wisconsin - Madison will discuss assessments seen though the lens of the SEC methodology, and how the nuanced descriptions of assessment content that it allows benefits both teachers and assessment evaluation.



题目:Education in a post-modern society; What will education in the U.S. look like in twenty years.

内容简介:What will education in the U.S. look like in twenty years? Dr. Smithson will share his perspective on the challenges faced by teachers in the U.S. as they move into the twenty-first century of American culture and technology.  Dr. Smithson offers a novel perspective and suggests a provocative solution to the challenges posed by what he describes as the United State's post-modern society.